Sunday, February 20, 2011

How To Boil A Frog and Tony Robbins

Over the weekend, I watched "How To Boil A Frog". It's an environmental movie, but not in the same vein as "An Inconvenient Truth". More like Jon Stewart or Stephen Colbert. It mixes a Save-The-Planet message with humor, and it answers the difficult question - "everything seems so dire - so what could I possibly do to make a difference?". Turns out, there are five things you can do today to make said difference. I watched the first half of the movie without much impact. Then, as I watched the second half, I became much more interested after realizing that the host/writer/producer (Jon Cooksey) was from Vancouver! He filmed local actions and local consequences - who'd have thought that a few activists could reverse a decision about coal-fired power plants (BC Hydro)? Or which gas station we should avoid to start changing oil company behavior (ESSO)? It's really worth watching - next time is March 23 on HBO-Canada (or I have a copy on my PVR, but you'd have to come over here to watch it). If enough people are interested, I'll buy a copy of the DVD and lend it out - let me know.

Then, after scrolling through a few links in the "How To Boil A Frog" website, I came across two videos from Tony Robbins (below). I'm no Tony Robbins fan, but these two (actually it's one video cut into two parts - about 24 minutes in total), are maybe the extra push I've needed to make some further financial decisions (ie: no, I'm not insane - there are other people out there that think like me). At any rate - Robbins talks about the economic and demographic powers at play right now; watch - or don't - at your own peril.

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