Monday, January 3, 2011

Over for another year...

We took down all the Christmas decorations this morning. We didn't really have all that much up this year, and after Laura got all the ornaments off the tree, the whole process took no more than a half hour.

Now on to the soon-forgotten New Years Resolutions:

(1) I'm going to up my walking by 200m per week (about 10km in a year). I can now walk, without much discomfort, 4.25km - so if I can add 10km to this that would be about as far as I used to walk. It also puts short hikes into the equation. If I walk every day - rain or shine - I think this is doable.

(2) The progress on sleep is very slow and (pun intended) tiring. I'm doing everything the books and programs say to do, but with very limited success. The problem today seems to be "fractured sleep". I fall asleep OK, but cannot remain asleep very long. Then I'm up and down for the remainder of the night (mostly up). I will continue on with this holistic program, and continue the Ativan taper (now on 0.5mg) and hope that when the drugs end, my sleep improves.

(3) The plan for what to do with the rest of my life has reared it's ugly head. Both Laura and I agree that I need a plan, and that sitting at home for decades more is out of the question. Although sitting at home with some kind of business would be, for me, ideal. I need to get the main health question (sleep) out of the way before I can seriously address this one.

(4) As time goes on, my speech continues to get better, in an almost unnoticeable way. Those that don't see me for a couple of months notice a difference in the speed and my ability to get more words out without taking a breath. Not quite "reading" pace yet, but close. The only therapy I'm using for my voice is to keep talking. I'm even adventurous enough to try and tell a joke or two (I tend to laugh at my own jokes - always did -- so this makes it even harder).

So I've basically got two resolutions that are new this year: first is walking, second is developing a plan. The other two areas (sleep and speech) have lives of their own, and they are ongoing from last year.

Onward and upward! Kathryn gave me a small plaque over a year ago while I was in the "Big House". It says "If it's in your way, climb over it".

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