Monday, January 10, 2011

An Enigma Wrapped In A Riddle...

For several months, my walking would max out at 3km. No matter how often or how far I walked, my right leg basically fell apart at the 3km mark. Since Christmas, though, there's been a remarkable increase in "distance-before-useless". Last week, as I said here on the blog, I walked 4.75km with Bruce through Minnekhada Park. Today, I walked to Save-On Foods and back - a distance of 6km. No resting except for standing in line at the grocery store.

I still struggle with sleep. The remarkable thing is that I did the walk today after two consecutive nights of no sleep. The only thing that I really notice after a sleepless night is an increase in emotional lability. It mostly appears when I'm by myself or with Laura - not very often when around other people.

Overall, I'm pretty pleased with myself about all this.

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