Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The semi-retired life

Bruce and I were talking about this today, while enjoying a coffee in the middle of the afternoon - with no particular place to go and no identified time to be there...

I get up in the morning about 7am, and it takes until 8:30am or so until I'm fully conscious. During that first hour and a half, I'll eat some breakfast, watch The Daily Show (recorded the night before) and do a quick scan of my email.

Then, the dog needs a walk - and this will take until about 9am unless we see something particularly interesting on our outing (could be really fast if it's pouring). After this, off for a quick shower and I'm in my office a few minutes past 9am most days. It normally takes me a good half hour to read and react to the email I've collected overnight, and almost always at 9:30am I sit down to do two solid hours of writing (the TKA thing). This may have to expand this as there becomes more desk work to do.

Then it's walk the dog again, just before making some lunch. After lunch - which doesn't take all that long - it's household chores; I'm so anal each job is entered in my calendar (ie: the first Monday of every month, wash the bedding). In the afternoon, provided it's not raining, I'll go for a two hour bike-ride with my buddy Bruce (most days he comes along). By the time I get home, it's late afternoon and time to think about dinner. Evenings are spent reading and watching TV, and if it's nice out we'll take Bo for another long walk.

I have no idea how I ever found the time to have a regular job.

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