The cruise ship was pretty nice.
- Total number of passengers: 2786.
- Number of kids: 500.
- Number of people with more disposable income than me: 2782.
- Our "incidental" tab for the week: $1076.00.
- Fuel used on the ship: 65,000 gallons/day. 23.3 gallons/day/person.
- Guilt I felt for being on this floating example of Western excess: enormous.
- Guilt I felt for reading a book in 80 degree heat by a pool on Christmas Day: none.
It was pretty surreal to spend the holidays on a cruise ship. We visited Puerto Vallarta, Mazatlan and Cabo San Lucas, and spent 3 full days at sea (only one of which was rough - 12 foot swells). The food was good, the accommodations were great, and the weather was fantastic (except for the above mentioned 12-foot-swell-with-gale-force-winds on the last full day).
We got on the boat at 1pm on Saturday the 23rd, and got off at 8:45am on Saturday the 30th. We had seven dinners and six breakfasts with our kids. We sat by the pool with them for about 30 hours. It was worth every penny....
PS: Photos on Flickr
Hey Uncle Doug, hope you see my comment, but I just wanted to say that I envy you very much, even though you are on a floating environmental disaster.
It's just struck 12:00 AM here in Fernie, and I am posting this on my family's new iMac that we got on Friday.
Hope we get to see you at some point in the future.
Say hi to everybody for me and the family, will youplease?
Hi Doug and Laura,
Your highlights of your cruise sounded wonderful. It sounds as if you had a great time, even if you drove gas prices up for the rest of the world. Oh well. Life is to short to burn cheap gas!
Belated Merry Christmas wishes and a great and HEALTHY 2007.
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