Hi Folks:
Five months since July 6th, and I'm still writing this ridiculous update. If only I had something productive to do with my time. But your loss is my gain, so here I go …
So far on our trip, Laura and I have been to the Oregon Coast, San Francisco, Reno, Carson City, Death Valley, Pahrump, Laughlin, The Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, Quartzsite, Yuma, Palm Springs and Joshua Tree. We're getting a little "travel weary", and plan on slowing down soon. We're going to stay here in Palm Springs for two weeks, then a week in San Diego, and then the Christmas Cruise with the kids (out of LA). When we get back from the cruise, we'll decide what we're going to do in Jan-Feb-Mar 2007.
Health-wise, I've reached a plateau. I have good days (lots of energy, feeling pretty normal) and not-so-good days (low energy, sore). Mostly it's related to the previous day – did I lift something heavy, did I over-do the exercise, did I have more than two bottles of wine with dinner? In order to improve, I think we'll need to find a place where I can really get into a program of regular, aerobic exercise and some weight-training. Perhaps two months at the Westin Maui Resort & Spa? Anybody have a gift voucher?
Some additional observations from the road:
The most disturbing thing we've seen so far is being passed on the shoulder of a 2-lane highway by a pair of ATV's. Two wheels on pavement, two wheels on gravel, going about 75mph (I had no idea they could move that fast). This happened outside Las Vegas. Cool, huh? Laura's comment was "what would their mothers think?" My comment was "fortunately, they're wearing helmets so their heads will be identifiable after the crash".
I now know why cars in the southwest last so long. Car washes are cheap, and they are very good. For about $10, you can get an excellent inside-outside wash that takes about half an hour - so I can get the truck washed about 20 times/day and still have (a) time for dinner and (b) money left over because I haven't gone to Costco. There are also businesses that come to the RV parks to wash your trailer/motorhome/5th wheel. They'll also change your oil (in your truck, not you personally – although you probably can get that in Nevada), and top up your propane. The Schwan ice-cream truck drove through the park in Yuma every afternoon. These are but a few of the advantages to living in a trailer…
Laura and I were the youngest people in the state of Arizona. We left.
I bought a bike. I'm kicking myself (and that's very hard to do since the surgery) that we didn't bring the bikes on this trip. They're great for exploring in and around the places we've stayed – which are often hard to walk out of (no sidewalks). I was looking for something used, but we got sold on one of the new "cruiser" models. Mine is an Electra Towney 3. I have to say it's a whole different experience for me … I know I looked cool on a mountain bike – but you should see me now! Renaissance man???
We've decided that the desert is very interesting to spend time in. We've also decided that the desert is full of sand – most of which is now in the trailer or on the dog. We've also confirmed that the higher you are (ie: Grand Canyon at 7000ft), the colder it is at night (10F). Sea level is good. Where we are now (Palm Springs) is at 40 ft elevation, is paved, and has grass all around. We can drive into the desert for day trips, and then stop by the car wash and the take-out sushi place for dinner.
The next update I plan to send will be our Christmas Email. As you've all be kept up-to-date with what's happened the last 6 months, I'll spare a re-cap. I've asked Laura, Kathryn and David to submit their comments – and I'll then ruthlessly edit them and twist their words into my own. I know you can't wait.
Be well. Stay safe. Don't buy green bananas.