Sunday, October 2, 2011

Norwalk Virus

The ship is in the middle of a Norovrus scare. A couple of days ago, some kids were seen in the infirmary with symptoms of the gastrointestinal culprit, and yesterday the ship went into their lock-down to prevent the spread. They've been asking that anyone who doesn't feel their stomach is normal go to the infirmary to get checked out. They've removed any costs to this (including any treatment that may be involved) and that tells me how serious they take it. They've stopped and self-service of food (they are using their officers and wait staff), and shut down all the kid's programs.   Rooms have been shut down and are being cleaned, and there's staff all over the ship wiping everything down that could possibly be touched - chairs, tables, elevator buttons, handrails - anything and everything. Apparently, if they cannot get this under control and eliminated quickly, they will stop the ship - not sure exactly what that means, but I'm sure it isn't good.

It's kind of intriguing (and impressive) to see a ship of this size handle a potentially huge health scare. They obviously know what they're doing...

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