Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Human Centipede of News

I'm now grateful for the decision we made to cut Cable TV and go with the Redneck Antenna (although the new antenna is not so Redneck).

Yesterday was a prime example of everything that's wrong with Cable News. CNN was the brunt of this particular misstep - but it could be any one of them. They're all in a race to be first and be exclusive, but mostly it's just be wrong.

If you've missed things so far - the bombing in Boston has produced a probable, as yet unnamed suspect. CNN reported thru their well placed sources that a suspect was in custody. Wrong.

CNN had to retract the statement an hour after making it.

Don't you get tired of the endless talking heads and experts, who almost always turn out to be completely wrong?


That's all we need.

Trust that the professionals (and I don't include the Cable TV News gathering people among that group) are doing their jobs. And it takes time.


For those of you who can get it, Jon Stewart had an excellent analogy of this whole debacle on his show Wednesday, April 17. He called it "The Human Centipede" of news. I think that's pretty accurate (if you don't get the reference, just Google "The Human Centipede" and you'll see what he means - it's disgusting).

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