Sunday, August 5, 2012

How We've Failed Our Grandchilden

We've basically screwed our grandchildren.

Unless you are part of a small minority, the legacy you are leaving your grandchildren is a standard of living far below that which you enjoy.

nAnd a standard of living below that of your children.

Here's my thinking.

My generation - the boomers - had parents that likely came from nothing. Through good fortune, good timing, and hard work for many of them they were able to give their children a leg-up in whatever they decided to do. For the most part, it was "hands off" parenting.

Boomers benefited from cheap education, easy opportunity and plentiful money. And we knew far better than our parents ever did how to raise our children. No "hands off" for us. They wanted for nothing, and many of us made the mistake of never saying no to our children. Our kids grew up as the most affluent generation that ever lived.

Now our kids are in their 20's and 30's, and many are having a tough time - for the first time in their lives. A tough time finding a job. A tough time establishing long term relationships. A tough time moving out of the house. Most are amazed at the stage of life their parents were at when they were the same age. When I was 27, I had two kids, a good job, a house, and a wife that stayed at home.

Our kids will be OK, because mom and dad are wealthy. The boomers will die, and leave lots of money, real-estate and expensive stuff for them. Some can help out before they die.

But if the economy continues along much as its predicted to (think Japan like stagflation), our grandkids will face the same lack of opportunity their parents did. Only this time, there won't be anything left because mom and dad (our kids) have had to use all of it to live on.

What do you think? Am I all wet on this one?


Deb said...

I agree! But why/when did we become such " helicopter parents?" Why did we feel our kids needed it all and were owed so much? The regular trips to Disneyland and Hawaii? Was it really just to make ourselves feel more successful? (hmmm, yes I think so). I too had all my kids (3) by age 30, and stayed at home to raise them. I feel we have let them all down.........remember when a trip to Regina, and daily walks to the "Pop In" (sp?) were enough to make the summer a success?! :-) Can you imagine our kids thinking that that was fun at all?! So much food for thought.........thanks Doug!

Harry White said...

I continue to be amazed by this conversation. For the record, I am not a boomer, born in 1941. I have had to put up with boomers my whole life, however, and I am tired of the whining. There is hope for your children if you get off it.
1. Stop being their friends and start being their parents.
2. Tell the they are NOT special. 50% of them are below average (that is math, not a shot).
3. Tell them life is not fair and their self-esteem is not important.
4. Throw them out of the family home.
5. Tell them to take whatever job they can get. McDonald's is a great company. If you are any good, you will become a manager and eventually own a franchise. If you aren't, you won't succeed anywhere else, either.
6. Tell them that they should have children after they have a job, a home and a wife (husband). That will go a long way towards solving the grandchildren problem.
7. Grow up. That is a message for the boomers. How can your children be adults if you aren't?

Whew, that felt good.