Thursday, July 12, 2012

Big Oil and EnviroNazis

Navi Mumbai Sea Port
Vineet Radhakrishnan via Compfight
 I have to admit that this post is aimed squarely at my uncle in Calgary (you know who you are) and his general disagreement with my "EnviroNazi" stance on oil shipping through BC enroute to anywhere else (China?).

Although members of my not-so-immediate family (OK - cousin) are employed by Enbridge, I took particular pleasure in the recent sport of Big-Oil-Bashing that's been going on in BC. Despite the best efforts of our Federal Goverment to push through the Northern Gateway project, I think it just might be political dynamite for whoever touches it Provincially.

This week, two influential pieces in the BC media (actually, one has hit the international media) target the potential damage that could be done by an oil spill (tanker or pipeline) here in BC:

  1. A Wilderness Committee (that ought to be unbiased, says the EnviroNazi) report on the affects of an oil spill on Stanley Park
  2. The comments of our normally "sit on the fence and scared for her political life" premiere about Enbridge specifically.

So the net-net is, despite my earlier assurances that BetaMax would triumph over VHS, I believe that maybe this time the environment will trump big business. And our kids and grandkids will thank us for behaving like grown-ups for a change....

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