Monday, June 11, 2012

First Time Author

Nice photo, huh? I took it.
First things first - I submitted my sleep ebook to Amazon for publishing today - it's available as of now in English (I don't know if it actually comes out in any other language - this is a first for me). I had to list it for $2.99 so that Amazon would let me give it away for free five days out of the next ninety. If you price it any less than that, they take away all their incentives. Call me selfish.

I'll be posting a date for a free version as soon as I figure out how to do that ... and would appreciate any comments you might have on the book itself - please post them directly on Amazon.

I've also started to write a second book - fiction this time, and it involves sailboats. So much for anyone who might like to read it ... audiences for nautical books are somewhat wanting ... so I'm trying to make it less about the boat, and more about the story. I'll thrown in a little time travel and some history just for fun. I've been reading up on Captain James Cook and Captain George Vancouver for the history part of the book. Pretty fascinating stuff, actually. These men would think nothing of coming to the Pacific NW, down to California, across to Hawaii, over to China, down to Australia and New Zealand, and then do it all over again. Several times. Amazing.

I'm also thinking I should formally document all the stroke stuff as well. So much to do, so little time!

I kinda like this writing thing. Hopefully, you will too.....

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