Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Minimalism - The Book

I just finished reading Minimalism - Essential Essays written by a couple of guys in Dayton, Ohio (Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus). While the book itself is somewhat repetative - since it's a collection of essays many of the themes are repeated throughout - it's worth the quick read.

I picked it up a few days ago, so I paid nothing - but it's probably worth a bit more than $0.00. I think that the book itself taught me one thing I never thought of before. My wife has often bared the brunt of my frequent indulgences, and I think any sort of minimalism is a bridge too far for her. But the book said something that resonates with me - become minimalist in small areas of your own life, first. Then maybe people will be more willing to come along.

I already have the traveling minimalism down, so now I'm going to work on a few more areas. My office for one. The garage would be next. All my clothing (and the furniture that holds it) is after that. Then there's the selling or giving away of things we don't use - like a very expensive inflatable kayak, or all my sailing books, or the first couple of years of Wired Magazine.

The point of writing this down is simply to act as some kind of accountability.

Maybe one of you will ask "so how's the whole minimalism thing going?".

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