Wednesday, July 20, 2011

At last - some sustained progress on the sleep front..

It has been almost two years of dealing with the incredibly debilitating affects of insomnia, but I now think the worst is over. It first became apparent when I could get a pretty decent night's sleep whenever I wasn't in my own bed (on a boat, for example). For the last month, I've been drug free (for sleep) and have regularly logged five or six hours a night of good quality- don't remember your dream, snoring, unconscious, have no idea what time it is - sleep. Most of this rest seems to come irrespective of the "ritual" I have before heading for the bedroom; for the longest time I would ensure I was up at 6:30am, into bed at midnight, no TV within an hour of bedtime, no reading in bed, and on and on. Now it seems that if I go to bed when I'm tired - whether that is at 10pm or midnight, I mostly sleep through until 6 or 7 the next morning. If I do wake during the night, I get back to sleep quite easily.  I know I've claimed victory over insomnia before, but I've never had a stretch of more than one or two nights where I felt truly rested. I'm very glad indeed if this episode in my recovery is now behind me. Now if only I can re-learn to swim...

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