Monday, October 17, 2016

Things I Know Are True

I've though about how convinced I am that things are as they seem. 

As with anything, putting it on a scale or a spectrum helps to quantify something with something else. 

So here goes:

100% - Everybody dies.
99.999% - Gravity. 
99% - My car will start tomorrow morning.
99% - There is other life in the Universe.
99% - There is no God.
95%  - Man caused global warming.
75% - Predicting the weather 2 days out.
60 %  - Jesus was a real person.
50%  - We're living in a simulation.
40% - Predicting the weather 7 days out.
1% - Donald Trump knows what he's doing
.001% - Prayer works.

What do you think?

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