Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Zeo gives me insight - some good, some not so good

I got a Zeo Sleep Monitor a few weeks ago.

The idea is to gather actual data about your sleep - like that you'd get in a sleep lab. You wear a headband at night that monitors your brain patterns and transmits what it tracks onto your Smartphone (it could be an iPhone, but I have the Android version). The software ap on the Smartphone then transmits this data back to a website that Zeo has for users. The Zeo site has all kinds of tools to manipulate the data, and you can experiment to see what actually has an effect on your light, deep and REM sleep - as well as how often and how long you are awake each night.

And therein lies my dilemma.

My ZQ Last Night = 45 (red-awake, green-REM, grey-light, black-deep)

An average 50-60 year old man should have a "ZQ" (the calculation that Zeo makes on your sleep based on all the time you spent in each phase) of 69. For the first week of use, my ZQ was actually hovering in the low 70's - which provided a kind of psychological boost. Then the last few nights it's been in the 40's. As you can see in the chart that Zeo collected - it's very fractured (note that even the 77 score I got last week was full of fractured sleep - see below).

And that's the problem - I'm doing nothing different. I have a routine that generally lets me sleep relatively well. I know if I don't exercise or watch TV too late - I'll pay. So I avoid doing anything that might upset sleep.

Fortunately there's a coaching service with Zeo, and I don't think I'm the only one with this problem. We'll see...

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