Thursday, July 1, 2010


Today I threatened to take the 22km bike ride that I did the day before my stroke (PoCo Trail). Laura convinced me otherwise, because I'd be gone too long, and we were invited out to the Plymouth Crescent Annual July 1st BBQ in the Rain. I'll try for tomorrow, and maybe convince someone tonight to come with me.

Funny thing, I still cannot go over a sidewalk curb (up, not down ... down a curb is no problem because gravity takes over). When I try to go up a curb, my brain says "lift the front fork of the bike and stand up", but my body just sits there, waiting to fall of the bike. So I fall of the bike (it's no big deal, since I'm going 1/8 mile/hr). Sometimes, I feel just like a kid who's five, learning to ride a two-wheeler for the first time. Hmmm.

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