Thursday, May 27, 2010

Okotoks RV - Mike's Memorial

This is a second attempt at actually USING this Blog. It's been a couple of years, so please bear with me....

Laura and I travelled here to Calgary to attend Mike Devall's funeral tomorrow on Friday, May 28. Mike suffered through a year of brain cancer, and sadly passed away last Saturday. We're here for a week, and then will travel back to Vancouver through Deadwood/Mount Rushmore, Yellowstone, Craters-of-the-Moon Park, etc... We'll spend most of the summer back in Vancouver.

We came here initially from Palm Springs in late April to see Mike one last time. We left our trailer here in Calgary (at Hal's place) knowing that we'd be back soon. Yesterday, we moved the trailer from Hal's place to the Lions RV Park in Okotoks.

Dave (our son) is now travelling through Italy, and Kathryn (our daughter) is still teaching in Ankara, Turkey. She'll be home, for at least a year, in July.

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