Hi Everybody:
Four months have passed since Laura and I were supposed to start our "Big Adventure" - travelling through Western Canada and the Southwest USA and Mexico for 6-8 months. Our first day on the trip was to be June 9th.
On May 30th I was admitted to the hospital and subsequently diagnosed with two major (70-80%) blockages in my heart (LAD). They couldn't be fixed with angioplasty, so I was scheduled for bypass surgery on July 6th. My recovery has been remarkably quick, and I'm feeling very good.
After taking short trips in and around Vancouver over the past several weeks, it's time to actually "leave". We just spent the weekend up at Whistler with my brother Rob and his family. Last week we were on Vancouver Island visiting with friends and Laura's family.
Today, we head south. First stop is the Oregon Coast (as long as the weather holds out). Then a family reunion of sorts (Laura's family) in San Francisco. Then meeting friends in Las Vegas in November. Then ..... who knows. Kath and Dave will be flying down to meet us for Christmas - we're taking a 1-week cruise out of Los Angeles on Dec 23rd. After Christmas, we might try Baja Mexico. We need to be home by late March, as Kath will graduate from UBC in the Spring.
Pain: None.
Food: Everything tastes too good. We need to stop inviting ourselves to dinner with friends.
Exercise: For the first time, ran twice on the weekend - about 7km each time. Hills are hard, but I'm sure I could do a 10km on the flats (not very fast, mind you). Feeling pretty good about that!
Attitude: It's hard to say "goodbye" to our friends, our family, and especially our kids. But it's only for a few months. Everybody seems to be happy that we're leaving ?!?!
I'll be sending updates every now and again while we're gone. Platonic love to you all!
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